I’m a few days late, but I needed a SNOW DAY to get this done evidently. Thank you Mother Nature for the Winter Wonderland this Wednesday.
Here is my March Currently from Oh’ Boy 4th Grade!
Listening: I have so much stuff on my DVR I am running out of space! Uh oh! I need DAYS to catch up. Right now, I’m trying to catch up on Idol. I gotta be honest, these girls don’t sound very good if you ask me.
Loving: Snowmageddon hit us in DC! Or at least they SAID it was going to hit so we got a snow day. I haven’t seen too much snow in the city on the news so far. We have this wet mixture in our back yard in Alexandria. Great packing snow for sure. The dogs don’t know what to make of it- but I took pics of their cute footprints in the snow. I’m still in my PJs. Seriously… still in my PJs and it is 3:00 in the afternoon! I should go unpack my suitcases from my trip to South Carolina- but I don’t want to. What a gift to come home from travel to a day off.
Thinking: This girl on Idol right now really can’t sing. Another girl is singing now and she is bad too! Yikes! These are the finals. How did they get this far?
Wanting: Just remembered I have some Ben and Jerry’s in the deep freezer in the basement. Is it bad that I hide the “good stuff” from my husband down there? He would never walk down there to see what’s in the freezer! SCORE!
Needing: There is ALWAYS laundry at this house! I don’t mind washing it or drying it, but when it comes out of the dryer it just sits in baskets. I HATE folding laundry. I need to do it- I just really don’t want to.
Like/Love/Hate: I really do love Motown music. What’s not to like about Motown?! 🙂 My husband is pretty awesome. He is letting me just have this day to myself and I think he’s proud of me for being so lazy. I’m NOT a sit around kind of girl, but today I am. Mean people… just smile. It’s not that hard! Seriously.
Hi! I just found you through the Blogs by State link up. I teach near Richmond and love to find other VA bloggers. It's funny y'all didn't have much around DC. We had a few inches here (maybe 4?). 2 hour delay already called for tomorrow!
Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
So glad you stopped by my blog! I love meeting new VA bloggers! Can't wait to read more!
Reading Toward the Stars
Hi! Visiting from currently! Living in LA, we never have snow days! Aren't you lucky! haha
MrsMc from Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Girl, I totally hear ya on the ice cream. I feel like I want ice cream EVERY night. I can't get into idol anymore 🙁 It got bad a few years ago. Now I'm totally into The Voice! 🙂 Sounds like you a had a relaxing snow day!