I had time to actually be TAUGHT instead of doing the TEACHING today! I sat in on a session on Twitter, Facebook, and other Social Media for teachers!
That’s when I learned about… remind101.
remind101 allows teachers to text students and families without sharing his/her personal phone number. I just signed up (FREE of course) and sent my first test text! You know you will LOVE this! Can’t you see the texts:
“Don’t forget tomorrow is picture day”
“Remember to bring a paper bag lunch tomorrow for our field trip!”
“Science test tomorrow!”
Rock on!
Hi Melissa,
So wish I could've gone to the conference in SA, but I know a lot of our campus teachers are down there getting some great info for us to use back here in Killeen!
I used remind101 last year with my parents, it was awesome, they loved it! Our campus tech also used to send out notices to the staff for reminders too 😉 It's an amazing tool.
Tales From Two 2nd Grade Classrooms